
5 Beautiful Fonts Architects Can’t Do Without

Among all types of designers, architects have proven to be especially picky in terms of typography. Mies van der Rohe once stated “God is in the details” and apparently us architects pay a lot of attention to the fonts we use. However, we are loyal only to a few. According to a survey I’ve been doing this week, there are 5 fonts architects can’t do without, regardless of our nationality and where we’ve studied. Have a look!


Virginia Duran Blog- 5 Beautiful Fonts Architects Can't Do Without - Isocpeur

Download: Isocpeur



Virginia Duran Blog- 5 Beautiful Fonts Architects Can't Do Without - Helvetica -

Download: Helvetica Neue



(C:\Users\Virginia Duran\Documents\Studio\LAMINAS Presentac

Download: Courier New



Virginia Duran Blog- 5 Beautiful Fonts Architects Can't Do Without - Ostrich Sans

Download: Ostrich Sans




Download: Eaglefeather

Other fonts architects like are: Avantgarde, OCR, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Gill Sans and Proxy

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25 thoughts on “5 Beautiful Fonts Architects Can’t Do Without

    • I love all of those, couldn’t have a favourite haha. However, I’ll admit all of these fonts have very similar features: simple but elegant. “Less is more” I guess. Did you know Eaglefeather was inspired by the handwriting of Frank Lloyd Wright?


    • Isocpeur is my favourite font ever :)) I always use it for everything. And that is exactly what I like of Ostrich Sans, that is a modern font in a very classic ways! Do you like any other fonts that aren’t here?


    • Marta! Gracias por el detalle, ya está corregido. No la conocía pero me encanta. Soy una obsesa de la tipografía así que descubrir algunas nuevas me encanta. Sí se te vienen a la mente otras ponlas por aquí 😉


  1. Virginia, this is a side of things in architecture that I hadn’t considered. I can certainly see that for architects, that when it comes to fonts, “less is more”. Didn’t Mies van der Rohe say that as well? ~James


    • Haha he did, “Less is more” is another quote by Mies and I guess it reflects the style of those fonts too- no ornament or strange curves are allowed. Do you like any other fonts that aren’t on the list?


      • See, I don’t get that . . . the argument above is predicated on being aware of the fonts, not vice-versa.

        As such, I don’t know what makes Comic Sans an awful typeface. The only explanation I heard that makes somewhat sense is that it was overused (whatever that means), and it fell out of favor. Perhaps why one of the tags for this post is avantgarde.

        Sadly, CS has been replaced with the equivalent of droopy jeans and backward baseball caps; you know, stuff the hip crowd deems “in”, but which is usual nothing more than a desperate cry for saying “Hey! Look at me!! I am different” in place of actually being different.

        I’ve read CS is “inappropriate” in a formal setting, so naturally it’s set as my default on my regular e-mail, a venue where I often discuss things of tremendous importance to the human race, and it was the default for my work e-mail, a venue where decisions involving many tens of dollars are discussed and consented to.

        Really, all the arguments I’ve read are the equivalent of stuffy literature professors finding science fiction not to their liking, and for that we are being told we should avoid it.

        I, for one, know CS is not useless . . . at the very least it serves very well to annoy designers with discerning eyes.

        I also suspect people who diss CS also look down on Provolone cheese in favor of Gouda, and sneer at Boone’s Farm in favor of some snooty French wine, and deride comfortable polo shirts in favor of some dark turtleneck creation designed to make men look like emaciated ghouls.

        Anyway, to each his (or her) own, but I for one . . .

        Disclaimer . . . this was written for comedic effect in a burst of creative zeal. It should be taken with a grain of CS.


      • hahahaha this image made me laugh!! I understand what you say and I have to agree with “the message is the only important thing”. However, I wasn’t saying these fonts are used because of its beautiful appearance but for their simplicity- “Less is more”. Architects pay a lot of attention to the detail and that the font wouldn’t draw more attention than the drawings themselves. This is why I can’t stand Comic Sans among many others with curvy forms and such ornaments.

        I hope some CS don’t look down on Provolone cheese in favor of Gouda hahaha 😉


  2. To me, fonts create unique stories. If I read a poem in one font, it seems different when I use another. We see words, sentences, punctuations, and understand thoughts and ideas, but sometimes we forget the artistry in the letters.


    • That’s so true, I didn’t think of it in that way because I just write information concerning the plans. However, when I read a poem I get a different feeling depending on its typography. And that also creates a very diverse first impression. Any fonts you love? (They don’t have to be on this list)


      • I have been looking for fonts that look like cursive writing. Just discovered Bradley Hand ITC. But I have heard that there are programs that can make fonts out of my personal writing. Not certain whether that would turn out, but it is an interesting idea.


      • Oh really? I didn’t know about that but sounds like a good idea. It would be fun to type something on a screen which looks exactly like your handwriting. Do you remember the name of the program?


      • There are a number of them, but the better ones cost money, and there are rules regarding start and ending of the letters if you plan on using them as cursive. Even then, you need to “clean up” and tweak the letters, which is usually where extra fees come in.

        A quick Google search brings up a number of free ones (, but if I remember correctly, the free versions get you mixed results. Some of them require fees for the full package, and others require memberships for the additional modules that let you fine-tune the resulting fonts.

        . . . I keep meaning to play with them, but have not had time. If you do look into it, perhaps you could do a post reporting on the experience . . . even provide a free font to replace Comic Sans.


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