
11 Stunning Home Library Ideas for Your Book Collection

Avid readers, this is the perfect post for you!

Among the many books in your library, I asume Architectour London Guide will be your latest addition 😛 and it deserves an amazing new home.  That’s why today I am bringing you 11 stunning ideas to inspire your little reading corner.

Don’t miss 21 Inspirational Working Spaces

We’ve previously discussed what the most remarkable libraries look like but a home library is another story. A shelf can become the main item of a room or, on the contrary, merge so well with it that you won’t even notice. Things such as shape and form should be determined by the size of the books themselves, but it doesn’t mean that other items shouldn’t fit as well.

Above all, the space should be full of light, inspiration and confort, and all these home libraries do great on these aspects.

My favorite? #8, yours?























39 thoughts on “11 Stunning Home Library Ideas for Your Book Collection

  1. Pingback: 11 Libraries Which You Would Love to Study In | Virginia Duran Blog

  2. Pingback: 21 Inspirational Working Spaces | Virginia Duran Blog

  3. What a book-some post, Needless to say I like most of them. I could go for no. 1 but then I find the idea of hanging in a hammock-like nook kind of iffy. Imagine if that net gave way 🙂 But I could see myself go for nos. 6 and 8. I mean a secret doorway could lead to a reading nook complete with a teapot & coffee maker plus a stash of cookies. Guilty pleasures.


    • haha I can’t like #1 for that reason, but it’s a fun concept (when the structure works at its best). How amazing would be to visit a house with a moving library? Teapot and cookies, yes please! I imagined also a red velvet cake on that set you just pictured 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah écoute, j’éprouve des difficultés pour choisir, elles sont toutes génialissimes, cependant, je me suis effectivement arrêté sur la huitième pour son petit côté “cachète secrète”…
    Son côté pragmatique fait que l’utile et l’agréable peuvent être en une symbiose parfaite.
    Si tu as deux minutes, tu passes sur mon dernier Article, je bosse sur une matière noble qui va te plaire, “le bois flotté”. J’ai cru comprendre que tu aimais la simplicité…
    Je te souhaite une agréable journée Virginia.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Je suis en train de lire ton article, c’est génial. J’aimerais avoir une lampe créatif comme la de ton article 🙂 Einstein est un de mes favoris aussi!

      Liked by 1 person

      • J’ai vu en toi cette créativité !
        Elle vient tout d’abord de ta simplicité Virginia, c’est un sentiment que j’aime beaucoup chez les personnes…


    • Wow, really? Then you have quite an enormous home library 😉
      Any book recommendation that you discovered this year?


  5. Number 5 & 11 for the possibility of arranging odd-sized books. That said, I would prefer enclosed library shelves. One of the things I hated was dusting books and the shelves. I don’t need to see them; I just need to know they are there. Many of my books were in sealed crates for that reason.

    Sadly, when we moved I got rid of all my books (one of the more difficult choices we faced).


  6. I like the first one, Virginia, the hammock invite me to read my favorite books.
    Yor favorite save up place. 🙂 And you have a secret room behind.
    Have a nice day! In berlin it’s sunny and hot and I want to read in the shadow.


    • Oh Berlin, when it’s sunny and warm is just the best. Last time I was there it was just delightful. Recommend me a book 🙂


  7. Pingback: 14 Small Balcony Ideas That Will Make You Fall in Love | Virginia Duran Blog

  8. Pingback: 14 Small Balcony Ideas That Will Make You Fall in Love | Virginia Duran

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