17 Architecturally Amazing Spas in Europe

17 Architecturally Amazing Spas in Europe

Architecture should be used for the well-being and happiness of its occupants, and even more so when we speak about spas. Spas have existed since the classical times, meaning that we have more experience creating wellness centres than, let’s say, Catholic churches. Spa therapies are a popular means to treat illnesses, resulting in physical and spiritual purification. … Continue reading

Traveling back in time: Aboard the luxurious Belmond British Pullman train

Traveling back in time: Aboard the luxurious Belmond British Pullman train

Those who have read Agatha Christie’s novel Murder on the Orient Express (1934), will have a vivid mental image of the train I am about to describe: Art deco cabins with shiny polished wood, brass luggage racks, staff members in elegant hats, champagne bar, high-end cutlery and crockery for sophisticated dining. These original Pullman coaches, … Continue reading